This is the Star Wars Galactic Necklace from ThinkGeek and it is the necklace of my dreams! As soon as I saw this I knew I had to own it and then it went on sale!!! That’s a sign, right?
This was my first order ever from ThinkGeek and because it was already over the £15 no customs charge limit, I added the adorable Cache backpack by Pixelle because that too was on sale and it worked out at about £3.20, so why not?!
Shipping was $18.78/£13.35 and the order arrived by UPS only 7 days later, so I was pleasantly surprised. Until the UPS driver told me the Customs charge was £21! I didn’t have enough cash! I had to wait another day for my goodies! But it was worth it.
The necklace has 9 celestial bodies from the Star Wars universe, along with the Death Star,an X-Wing, a Tie Fighter and an asteroid belt which all sit on a 3-tier, 17 inch, silver-plated chain.
The planets are all made of gemstones, as is the asteroid belt. The gemstones used are:
- Coruscant: Hematite
- Alderaan: Phoenix stone
- Yavin 4: Malaysian jade
- Tatooine: Yellow agate
- Asteroid Belt: White turquoise & Tiger eye
- Sullust: Faceted red agate
- Dagobah: Phoenix lapis
- Hoth: White turquoise
- Endor: Alge stone
- Bespin: Orange agate
The Death Star, Tie Fighter and X-Wing are all made from silver plated surgical stainless steel.
It comes in a thick, branded box and on the inside lid there is a planet key, identifying all the planets on the necklace. The inner that the necklace is attached too (as shown in the photo) gives you the names of the planets next to their respective gemstones, meaning you can have them memorised in no time so that you can instantly identify them to interested parties.
The necklace sits nicely when being worn and is weight balanced quite
nicely so it doesn’t shift around. The chain is 17 inches but it does
have a 3 inch extender making it 20 inches in total but I have noticed
that the looser I wear it, the more likely it is to get tangled on the 2
bottom strands when I move around. It is absolutely stunning though and
(force) grabs the attention of anyone that sees it. I really want to
keep this as a “nice place” necklace but I don’t go anywhere nice so I
am just wearing it to appointments and stuff because I see no reason
that I cannot be fancy at the hospital.
Here is a terrible quality phone-photo of me wearing the necklace. I found out that it’s tough to take a decent photo of yourself on a dslr, so this is the best I can do, but it works to show how it sits. This is on the tightest chain setting.
So if you are a Star Wars nerd then I highly recommend this necklace. It is stunning, it’s a talking piece, it can be dressed up or down and it’s very spacey, so if you like space then it’s a good bet that you’ll love it. It is currently priced at $39.99/£28.43 and it is definitely worth the price.
May the force be with you!