The September Loot Pets theme was SPEED and we’re going to jump straight in to see what we got.
EXCLUSIVE Speed Collar Charm
‘The perfect charm for the fast and furry-ous, plus it matches this month’s Loot Pin’
Good quality charm but I’m not sure if I like the image for this month.
Doggie Dart (Kurgo)
‘This rocket shaped dart is made for a dog-friendly variation of the lawn dart game, so you can practice your aim while your pup zooms off for a fast round of fetch!’
Kylo really likes this toy. It is a great, quality made toy and even though she has been chewing the shit out of it, it still has no holes in it or bits missing. She is a toy killer, this we know, so it’s always a shock to us if we manage to find a toy she either doesn’t want to destroy or can’t destroy.
EXCLUSIVE Mach-3 Munchies Dog Treats (Loving Pets)
‘Our mission to shatter the taste barrier was a resounding success thanks to these delicious, beefy dog treats! They’re shaped like supersonic jets (but at least twice as flavourful) for an aerodynamic eating experience’
Kylo definitely wasn’t sure about these treats to start with. She kept breaking them in half and eating one half first and then the other half after. She has warmed to them now but I think they might be too hard for her liking.
EXCLUSIVE Stark racing Dog Shirt (Marvel and Fifth Sun)
‘From Formula 1 cars to high tech suits of armour, no one knows speed like Tony Stark aka Iron Man. Make the cutest member of your pit crew (sorry Rhodey) look marvelous with this stylish tee that matches this month’s Loot Crate shirt!’
Love this tee, Kylo looks lush in it but it does seem a little smaller than usual, it was a bit tight round the front. There was no human tee in this months crate, and so they matched the tee to the Loot Crate tee, giving us an extra dog item in the Loot Pets crate, which I much prefer. I wonder if this is what they are going back to, I hope so.
X-Tire Ball Toy (Pet Qwerks)
‘This durable, delightful toy is shaped like a ball but made of tough tire material so you won’t get flat! Plus you can leave the GPS at home because there’s a jingle ball inside.’
So this was the extra item, a second toy, I do hope they keep this box format but instead of an extra toy, put in functional items like they used to, like leads and collars. Kylo did not like this toy at first, the jingle ball was just not for her. So we took the jingle ball out and now she loves it! She chews it constantly and throws it on my laptop while I’m doing stuff that doesn’t involve her, and it hasn’t broke yet which is good. It doesn’t feel quite like tire material, more of a plastic rubber kind of feel to it.
This was the only photo she would let me take this month, she just would not comply, so you get a photo of her looking adorable and posey in the Stark racing tee.
What did you think of the September Loot Pets? Do you agree that they need to put functional items in or would you prefer to have the matching Human and Dog tees?
If you fancy signing up for your pooch or kitteh or any other furbaby that would play with these toys and like the treats, then you can sign up here: and get $5 off your first month.