I’ve only ever tried full nail wraps twice before quite a while ago, and both times they went horrifically wrong. I thought it would be a good time to try again and so I decided to have a go at these Born Pretty Store Eiffel Tower/Parisian nail wraps.
Nail wraps are a good way to have beautiful nail art, without taking up a lot of your time, I found the previous ones I had tried were to thick to smooth out over my curved nails, but these ones were just the right thickness and stretchiness to get them on and smoothed out over my nails.
In the packet, you get 2 strips of 7, and they range in width. The last 5 on the strip were the perfect width for all of my fingers, with only slight side trimming on the pinkie.
If you apply them slightly wrong, they were quite easy to lift back up and try again. I did end up with a few air bubbles or folds here and there and managed to smooth most of these out with my nail easily, although I was a little paranoid about doing so because of the possibility of ripping them. Luckily this didn’t happen.
Once applied and smoothed, I snipped off the excess from the end and used a nail file to smooth over the edges and corners, this was much easy than I imagined it to be, there was no snagging or pulling on the sticker on the nails.
On the packet, it then recommends doing a UV seal, I didn’t do this, in fact, I honestly couldn’t tell you how to do this. I don’t own any UV nail products, so instead, I added a coat of Seche Vite to see how this would fare. It worked pretty well, apart from a little bit of lift on one or two around the cuticle area where I hadn’t gone far enough over the nail from the wraps, but once that was applied and dry, any air bubbles or folds that were left over had basically disappeared.
Removal: I tried 2 ways of removal with these, the first, I found an exposed part of the wraps and grab it with a pair or tweezers and proceeded to peel it away. Because of the Seche on top I got a few rips but nothing that made this method of removal difficult. This did leave behind a sticky residue on the nail, which then came off with nail polish remover.
The other method of removal was to go straight in with nail polish remover, this proved to be the more efficient of the 2. The decal came away easily with a few rubs over the nail and left behind no sticky residue.
The experience with these wraps has been a success and now when I see a pretty set of nail wraps now, I will probably buy them instead of being put off by previous experiences. There are 2 things I would note as cons with these wraps though.
Number 1, they are way too long, the excess after they had been applied was about half of the decal, so not only is there a lot of wastage but you lose a fair amount of the designs to the excess and my nails are pretty long, so I couldn’t imagine people realistically having their nails twice as long as mine.
The second con, which is more of a personal preference, is that I would prefer the images to be on the decal the opposite way. I like my designs to have the bottom along the open edge of my nail and I could probably do this by trimming the opposite end of the nail wraps into a curve but I would worry that I would butcher the sticker.
These decals are available from Born Pretty Store here for $1.99 (£1.20) a set and come in 2 other beautiful Parisian designs. Of course, you can get 10% of your entire Born Pretty Store order by using my code CBAQ10 at the checkout.
Do you use Nail Wraps often? Would you recommend any?