Tatty Teddy Nails

I realised the other day that it’s been a while since I have done my own nail art not centred on review products or nail wraps and tbh, I’ve had very little creative motivation, it’s almost like writers block but with nail art. So I sat down with loads of my stamping plates, some nail art stuff and a notebook, and I tried to come up with some designs. It was tough, but I managed to come up with a few that I like. These Tatty Teddy nails are the first design of that effort.

I love having furry nails but I do love a unique finish on the nail and I tend to feel it or rub it a lot. The last furry nails I did were Chewbacca nails a good few years ago and I absolutely loved them so I went on the hunt for my flock. Here’s how I did it.

I applied one coat of Barry M Grey Matter, then I used Danglefoot Nail Polish Night Unfurls it’s Splendour to paint on some patches and I lined them with Barry M Black Forest. I topped it with one coat of Seche Vite, then One coat of Barry M Matte topcoat. Then I applied a coat of Poundland Clear polish to stick the flock to (remembering to avoid the patches) then I quickly went crazy with flock application, patted it down once it was covered, then brushed off the excess with a fan brush.

For the Teddy nail I used one of the large stamping plates I bought from AliExpress and made a little decal. I stamped some hearts over Barry M Cotton, then applied my decal and topped it with one coat of Seche and one coat of Barry M Matte topcoat.

The flock is from a multipack that I bought from Born Pretty Store ages ago and I had a massive pack of fimo canes that I bought years and years ago so I sliced of this little heart and added it to my nail with a little bit of topcoat.

These look so cute irl. Plus, technically they are my first Valentines nails of 2018. What do you think of the flock look? Is it something you would wear?

Have an awesome weekend

Author: Chrissie

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