I have been using my dice a lot lately and let’s not gloss over it, my dice, all of them, clearly hate me. Every week I am getting bad roll, after bad roll, while the rest of my fellow adventurers get a lot of Nat 20s and rolls over 15. It’s unbearable, I 100% need more dice, but at the moment I cannot get any, so it will have to do to have them on my nails. Maybe manis like this will bring me luck.
Polishes used: Barry M Cotton
Dystopia Nail Polish Your Wish is Pomegranted
Moyou Black Knight
Barry M Plumpy Topcoat
Stamping plate: Maniology M016
I was kind of hoping that adding White Moonstone on top of cotton would create a bright, white texture but it stayed flat for some reason. However, it still looks super pretty and sparkly even with a topcoat.
I am still in love with the Rebel Yell stamping plates from Maniology, and their Gamer over plates too! If everyone could just do a collection of cute nerdy plates so I can just have stashes of them, I would be eternally grateful.
Quick tip: if you’re looking for nerdy plates, Nerd Life Nails has this awesome list of gamer stamping plates with links to the ones that are still available.
Or if you want to buy the plates from Maniology, here are the links : Rebel Yell plates and Game Over plates. Don’t forget to use code KAPOW10 to get 10% off your orders!
What is you’re most desired dice set? I would LOVE to own a set of Dispel Dice, they are so freakin’ beautiful. There are also so many beautiful dice from makers that I have seen on Instagram. People need to stop making beautiful things, especially when I am poor!
Looks fab 😀
Thank you so much.